good song for a first...
wow. excellent job man. great beats. The panning effect was getting anooying a little bit, but it still sounded good man. great kob. love to hear more. Check out some of my music!
good song for a first...
wow. excellent job man. great beats. The panning effect was getting anooying a little bit, but it still sounded good man. great kob. love to hear more. Check out some of my music!
wow... WOW!!!
this is awesome man! your the best. nice drum beats. Those fast synths were awesome. Great remix. Hey, check out more of my songs!
Got it!
This is the best one so far. lol in my opinion definately worth the top 5.
Oh well we shall see.
wow, good track. you made this after you must gotten the program? that's great. I dont know if you the king or not but this is great. Come check more of my music.
lol OK!
Well That is my nickname given to me by my peeps . . . th king of riff. lol
great this is much better
your improving bro. Nice. After a while you could start using some synths and basses. Keep it catchy enough so that people would like it. Keep up the good work. Check out some of my new songs please!
hmm...not much effort
i could see you like this song. Its very relaxing. But i hate it when its just 1 pad and a few drum beats. Maybe you could change it around a litle and make it sound more interesting. Very neat stll. Come check out my new songs please!
Thanks and ill c if i could make another Mix to this. Keep updated to find out
it was ok...
not the best. but it is kinda funny. lol. the synths that you used were ok. that other one that is in the backround a lot is good. But its sometimes fuzzy. soon you'll be better i can tell. good song for your first try. Review some of my other songs please!
lol thnx 4 the review. once my computer with FL gets fixed im gunna make something really good, nice clean nd flowy type of a song. probably going to turn out like a short rave.
but thnx 4 teh review
hmm... i see you got potential in this song. Very nice indeed. I love it how the fade out effect comes in the beginning but the melody keeps on playing. that's very well done. Nice song.
The drum kick was a litle bit soft. Maybe if you have like a reverb, or Compressore, or Bass boost for it, i think that will get the kick more interesting. I see you had fun making this. and i had fun enjoying this. lol.
Melodies great. Very nice. Love it how it is all sticcato. great. The effects was really cool. When it stops and the the fx comes in, then the melody kicks in again... i love it! The song could go on for a longer term. its a awesome website. You can submit larger files and you cant probably go on #1 on there. Check it out. if you have some time too, check out my new song 'Dream land'.
5/5 and 10/10. good song man.
see you later.
lol. Very hilarious!
lol. its great man. Very funny. I bet it was like, random things. And the mom doesn't sounds like a mom. lol. graet. Come check out some of my stuff please!
this is really good...
wow. i like it. nice solo and riffs. Great song. i have a tip for yeah.
to get reviews, you need to review others. That's how i became a lil popular. Back to the song. It would sound nice if you pit in some drums and a bass. Besides that, its great! Check out some of my stuff please!
Thanks alot. I'll go check out some of your music soon
intro too long...
the intro was too long. And the beat was getting annoying.the bass was cool. But a litle bit was fuzzy. And i hate that eee...eee..eee..., that high synth sound? its sill ok. Keep up the good work. Check out some of my songs!
Nothing much to say really.... UPDATE: New song out - Orgarmy. Leave a review!
the world
Joined on 7/8/06